A Fascinating 16th Century Flemish Tapestry Panel
A woodland scene, with a giraffe in the foreground, and to his right a horned unicorn resting his head in the lap of a young girl – an image of purity. Around the centre are riders on horseback with their dogs leaping about. To the back is a small rural dwelling, set beneath trees which are all in leaf.
The giraffe would have been taken from the illustrated book “Historiae Animalium” by Conrad Gessner (1516-1565). Gessner attempted to illustrate all the animals known – but some of his drawings were from hearsay rather than seeing them first-hand, with interesting results.
A fine and rare tapestry, with excellent detail and colour, woven in silks and wools.
Oudenaarde, circa 1580-1600.
Width 70 inches, height 84 inches.
Ref 2040