Home Stock A William and Mary Oak High Back Settle

A William and Mary Oak High Back Settle

The panelled back is constructed of a top and bottom rail, and three muntins, all with deep run mouldings. The four raised panels sit within this frame and each panel has an intricate moulded edge. The horizontal arms rest on well-turned baluster supports, which continue below the boarded seat to form the front legs, which are joined at the bottom by a square stretcher.

A lovely interesting design feature is the original turned centre support, which goes from the bottom stretcher to the seat rail, which has old (eighteenth or nineteenth century) iron brackets to strengthen the joint between rail and leg.

Good original colour and “nutty” surface.

English, circa 1690.

Width 56 inches, height 45 inches, depth 22 inches.

Ref 2327


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Early Oak at Harringworth Manor
The Manor House
Seaton Road
NN17 3AF